Hello ladies, how's it with you? Great I think. I was browsing one day when I came across TEXLAXING on a blog named Rehairducation owned by Lade. I didn't even know I was doing something similar to that. The only difference was I didn't apply oil to my relaxer when relaxing.
What is Texlaxing?
This is the process of intentionally under processing your hair by the application Oil or conditioner to your relaxer,leaving your hair incompletely straightened.
This is the process of intentionally under processing your hair by the application Oil or conditioner to your relaxer,leaving your hair incompletely straightened.
1. Less damage: The main reason i choose to texlax is the damage relaxing bone straight causes to my hair. I hate relaxing right from day 1. Why? Because my hair always gets burnt,my head looking smaller like that of Agama lizard. So,texlaxed hair is less damaging because it's healthier than relaxed hair due to the fact that the protein bonds present in the hair hasn't been completely broken down by relaxers.
2. Thicker & fuller hair: A bit of natural texture is achieved through texlaxing,thus ensuring thickness of the